Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What if I’m not a good bowler?
A: Every bowler gets a handicap, which is a number of pins they are given based on their average to even out the playing field. For example, a bowler with an average of 93 would be given 85 extra points each game, whereas a bowler with an average of 189 would only get 8 extra points. Whether you’re our best bowler or worst bowler, you’ll have a lot of fun!

Q: How much does league cost?
A: Lynnette’s Ladies- A one time USBC Sanction Fee of $20, then $16 weekly
Three Eye- A one time Bole-Mor “Sanction Fee” of $15 and then $16 weekly

Q: How long does league run?
A: Lynnette’s Ladies is 28 weeks, Three Eye is 27. It starts in September, with major holidays off (and likely some snow days.)

Q: How many people are on a team?
A: Lynnette’s Ladies teams have 3, and Three Eye teams have 5. You can have extra people on your roster if you want to rotate bowlers each week.

Q: Can anybody join league?
A: Anybody out of high school can join league! Lynnette’s Ladies is exclusively for females, but Three Eye is open to any gender.

Q: What if I can’t bowl each week?
A: Leagues have substitutes in case a bowler can’t make it a certain week, otherwise some teams opt to have more people on their roster than can bowl each week that way they can rotate between players so everyone gets a week off here and there. If neither option works, you can take a dummy score, which is 10 pins below your average each game. The weekly cost still must be paid if a dummy score is used, however.

Q: Do I need my own bowling shoes and bowling ball?
A: Absolutely not! We have rental shoes of all sizes, and all of our house balls are available and meet the requirements for use during league.

Q: Do you have lockers I can store my bowling equipment in?
A: Yes! For $10 you can rent one of our lockers for the season. The lockers all come with a padlock and two keys. They fit 2 bowling balls and shoes, plus any ball cleaner, hand powder, braces, or whatever else you need. Rental shoes and house balls cannot be kept in these lockers, however.

Q: Will you be adding any new leagues?
A: Hopefully in the future we can add some more leagues, including a kids’ league! However, that will be further down the line when we have more staffing and available time slots. Definitely let us know if there’s interest for any certain day or type so we can plan ahead!
